The Legend of Swaggy Clause


Many years ago, in the coldest depths of the South Pole, a very different Santa Clause was born in the Santa Clause Nursery. This Santa Clause arrived with a full head of black curly hair and without a round plump belly like the other Santa Clause babies. The Santa Nurses were so enamored by this Santa Clause that they gave him a special nick name, Swaggy Clause. 

 While attending South Pole Academy, where the young Santas learn all there is to know before becoming full-time Santas, Swaggy Clause was often teased.  The other Santas made fun of Swaggy Clause because his clothes were so baggy since he didn’t have a round belly; his Santa hat rested high on top of his huge head of hair; and he couldn't grow a full beard like the other Santas.

One day Swaggy Clause had an epiphany after learning what “swag” really is. He realized that it’s okay to be different from the other "traditional" Santa Clauses. He embraced who he is - Swaggy Clause!

Swaggy Clause immediately changed his routine. He began working out every day and maintaining a healthy diet, he got a fresh cut from the South Pole barber, and Swaggy Clause found an elf to tailor a slim fit Santa Clause suit.

Still the other Santas make fun of him while he works out and rocks his skinny Santa suit. But soon all that will change. Swaggy Clause is on a mission and no one can stop him!